Accordingly, you should contact another attorney immediately if you decide to move forward with a lawsuit. Im never getting my reimbursement back. Seems a bit shady. Am I covered in the lawsuit with the timing chain problem? Both options are priced the same. But I do know that they are not being truthful with what is going on with our refunds and this is NOT right. The lawyer working on our case sucks too. Just goes to show, all that glitters isnt gold. Should I send in the form anyway or am I out of luck? This feels like some sort of punishment for buying a BMW. The lawsuit says the primary timing chain assembly connects and synchronizes the camshafts and crankshaft, controlling the opening and closing of the valves in the engine's combustion chambers. You may have asked Judge Waldor for permission to speak at the Final Approval Hearing. Someone maybe getting kickbacks! I just want to know did they recv the info I mailed in. I cant believe were approaching a full year with no resolution. However, a customer will still have to pay something for repairs because the extended warranty is based on these terms. This mess happened to my 2013 528xi Sept 2020. Unreal . The X3 in now inoperable. Requests for exclusion from the Settlement must have been postmarked by January 19, 2021. I recently got the valve cover gasket fixed which was causing a oil leak and was told that my timing chain is going bad. The BMW timing chain lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey: Gelis, et al. Have not received anything. My car is again not running and I have always owned BMW but never one with a 4 cylinder engine! Drive trsin light came on all the time. If these items fail, the complaint alleged, it could lead to sudden engine failure and loss of power. BMW recently offered to settle two class-action lawsuits related to water damage . If you submitted a claim, you will receiveyour payment or a letter informing you whether your claim has been denied or is deficient, and how you can cure your deficiency or appeal from the denial, after processing is complete. They were not prompt in their response to my emails but they did respond. You will not be charged for these lawyers. LETS FIND AN ATTORNEY AND LETS SET UP A CONFERENCE CALL WITH ALL OF US ON IT TO SEE WHAT WE NEED TO DO TO FILE A CLASS ACTION CASE AGAINST RUST AND BMW. Several owners of the X3 with the N20 engine have reported timing chain guide failures which resulted in catastrophic engine damage. How did you receive the qualification notification? I had no choice but to pay for the repairs. **Thank you for your email. ILL KEEP YOU ALL POSTED. Everyone needs to call the Minnesota attorney generals office and we might should consider pooling it and getting our own representation because obviously this is not working.. dont give up. I sent my paperwork in March and have received nothing from them what number did you call if you dont mind me asking or even an email will work. I never received any notices after submitting my claim so I submitted it twice, and never received a response. I gave it to them and they reached back out to me today the scam lady name is gail. I sent all of the documents via certified mail. Seems like theyre committing fraud! They need to stop extending deadlines and pay the claims! drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. I can email everything they said to me. All Rights Reserved. I have no repair receipts because the repair shop purchased the car with a blown engine. Well, has ANYONE received any checks in the mail yet? SHAME ON YOU BMW! Nope! They are finding all kinds of reasons to deny payment and its not right. For those with F30s (or any bmw with the N20/N26) affected by the timing chain guide issues, there is a class aftion lawsuit that is scheduled to be settled on the 3rd of August 2020. Thanks! The Settlement provides an opportunity to be reimbursed for certain past expenses and covered for certain future repairs under the Settlement's Prospective Repair Program. Dynamically explore and compare data on law firms, companies, individual lawyers, and industry trends. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and BMW of North America, LLC are settling a class action claiming that the timing chain or oil pump drive chain in certain BMW vehicles is defective. I provided proof and everything and they told me the time has passed. who know! mileage of the replacement/repair, within the variance set forth above. Which one is it? Timing chain guide and tension bolt needs repair quoted $8600 from the dealer and 19000 for engine replacement! I just paid out 13,000.00 for a new engine and turbo. The mileage was on 3 documents I submitted them. What a joke. The reimbursement program provides between 40% and 100% reimbursement for vehicle repairs depending on the mileage of the vehicle at the time of service. I replaced an engine and a timing chain. I have the Claim Form completed but when my engine failed it had 107,605 miles on it. I am attempting to submit this form online but do not know this number. Ive not received anything but an email. These programs provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of one failed timing chain module, oil pump drive chain module and engine. Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., together with its co-counsel, have filed a consumer class action against BMW alleging defects in the primary and secondary timing chain tensioning systems installed in certain BMW models which include but are not limited to the E84, E89, F10, F25, and F30 (the "Subject Vehicles"). The settlement provides reimbursement for various BMW vehicle repairs linked to this issue. Lisa It is not a scam, but there is no point submitting a late claim past the deadline. 14. Westwood, NJ 07675. Have a car complaint to add? That is RIDICULOUS!!! Depends if the car is under warranty. There are several forms of relief available under the BMW timing chain settlement, including a reimbursement program and a prospective repair program. And there all living their best life and we are out of money and a vehicle. Depends if the car is under warranty. Secondary timing chain assembly: Includes the crankshaft and counterbalance shaft sprockets, oil pump drive chain, pump drive sprocket, chain tensioner and integrated guide and tensioner rails. Apparently they were looking for the actual credit card receipt- not just the invoice showing my name, the amounts, the transaction, etc UGHH! I do not understand the waiting game. I cant believe i was sold a 2013 car as certified pre-owned in 2018 and the dealership NEVER replaced that plastic guide that destroys the engine when it fragments apart.. Or a bank statement showing the charges. who knows! I felt cheated they knew it before I got all of that other work done on my car. Never again. Like I was told last week they were processing this week and would take 45-60 days. Former U.S. owners and lessees of the following vehicles: The settlement website notes that model years are not fully indicative of eligibility for the settlement. Thank you. You better get rid of that car. I still have yet to receive a response from the email I sent over a week ago. So much for first week of Sept! I have sent several, and I mean several, emails checking on the status as the claims were to be awarded and the settlement is marked as closed status but get the same email response: your claim is being reviewed. I did not have the money to repair it so I got rid of the car. The lawyers for the parties do not have information regarding the status of claims processing. I am sooooo not happy. This seemingly small wording update is important because there will be a separate appeal process that has yet to start which is different than the current deficiency process which is currently on going. I feel like they knew and did not address it until after I was outside the timeframe for filing a claim. There are others out there like me and you. Vehicle owners in the BMW class action have allegedly spent thousands of dollars attempting to fix the BMW engine defect problems. My car has 88,000 miles. You can also speak with your own lawyer, should you have one, about this Settlement. Claims are being processed. According to the timing chain class action lawsuit, the engines are prone to premature failures of the primary and secondary timing chain assemblies. I sold my BMW with a blown engine from a bad timing chain. I, like most everyone else on this post, have not received 1 piece of correspondance. He not confirmed the amount received so Im not sure anyone has received a check. Excluding yourself is telling Judge Waldor that you dont want to be part of the Settlement. v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and BMW of North America, LLC, Civil Action No. They done me wrong that 2,400 could of went on me paying it off. We have to file a case against them soon. We all was pose to get reimbursed. c/o Rust Consulting 7080 No problems and I have 71k miles. :). You may be entitled to cash payments from a class action settlem Its a damn shame. On march 13 while I was driving on NJ Route 18 north My car started giving a message saying Engine Oil pressure Low and within 2 -3 minutes Car completely stopped. After speaking to them last week asking me for a affidavit. if you have found any answers please reply to me. I think we all should flood the courts with letters, phone call & write letters to the judge. I have had the same problem with my 2012 528i, last week my car stopped and the message Drivetrain Malfunction, had the car towed to the dealership, the service mgr called and said there was lead in the engine oil and it would cost $10,000 for a refurbish engine or $17,000 a a new engine. What do we have to lose? They playing games we are getting that money. I will NEVER buy a BMW. Are there any loopholes /concessions for filing a claim after the deadline? I have a claim number- I used to go on the website and put ion my claim number and all it would say is A claim has been filed After the June 30th deadline, the option to enter your claim number is now gone. Care to share the amount you received? Unless you excluded yourself, you give up the right to sue Defendant for the claims that this Settlement resolves. Buying a BMW was one of the worst decisions I have ever made! Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we learn more. d. That your Settlement Class Vehicle had fewer than 8 years and 100,000 miles (whichever comes first) at the time of the They responded within a week for me. They are half ass looking at our claims in hopes to not pay us. Wow. So unacceptable. Courthouse, 50 Walnut Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102. (866) 411-6985, Gary S. Graifman Please try the same. They started sending out checks in late March/2022. Top Class Actions is a legal news source The Settlement does not mean that BMW of North America broke any laws, or otherwise did anything wrong, because Judge Waldor did not decide which side was right. Now they are denying they told me that. Yes, my engine in my 2012 528i failed due to this same issue and I had to replace the turbo as well. Thanks. Same, no check, and now the law firm isnt answering the phone linessmh. Somebodys pockets got filled & theyre all in it together. Ive had numerous engine problems since I bought it new in 2013. However, repairs done at an independent service center are capped at $3,000 for timing chain modules and oil pump drive chain modules and at $7,500 for engines. Bmw should pay for replacement. Seriously, the same freaking response. On Tuesday- this is what they sent back: Hang in there everyone, I received my check yesterday! Requests for exclusion from the Settlement must have been postmarked by January 19, 2021. Compass includes access to our exclusive industry reports, combining the unmatched expertise of our analyst team with ALMs deep bench of proprietary information to provide insights that cant be found anywhere else. The second defect involves the secondary chain, connecting crankshaft to the the oil pump and balance shaft assembly. How couldI have excludedmyself from the Settlement? I just received a letter. About a day or two later this is the response that I received: Thank you for your email. I was just looking to see if I could find anyone else that received their check. This is the one Ive been communicating with. The settlement also says there is an "extended warranty" program for repair or replacement of the defective parts (timing chain module, oil pump drive chain module and engine if damaged by chain failure) in vehicles up to 8 years or 100,000 miles. If you have a lawyer reach out to ur lawyer. We have to stick together and use our own lawyers. fight back its our money! You missed the deadline to participate in the lawsuit. exactly! The amount of money I have poured into this vehicle and they are playing games. There are so many of us that can still be in danger of losing their lives if the belt snap while driving on the highway. I had the same thing happen to me. Contact Us| maintenance records despite a good faith effort to obtain them, you may submit a declaration under penalty of perjury I have made numerous calls to the attorneys and settlement administrators office. Look Inside BMW's $92M Nationwide Settlement Over Cars' Defective Timing Chains The judge will decide the amount of legal fees to be awarded at a later date, with class counsel agreeing not. Update- 09-08-21: Just received a reply to my email I sent 2 weeks ago- It states Your claim is being processed. If they know it isnt going to be until 2022- they should post that somewhere & at least keep us from sitting here waiting every day we take in our mail like a bunch of idiots! For further information, you can email the claims administrator at I can SO use that $ right now. So based on just these few factors I really dont expect to see our money until next year. directory! E relaxed and never heard back. This notice explains the lawsuit, the proposed Settlement, and your legal rights. 2:17-cv-07386, involving the timing chain and oil pump drive chain modules in certain model-year 2012 to 2015 BMW vehicles. This is super frustrating as we have no answers & no status updates- nothing. My repairs were over $5k, so Idk the formula they used. I sent an email yesterday to that timing chain email address will see IF & when I get a response. So Im going back to the dealership and requesting I pay No $$. Update 9/14/2021 received same email as everyone else. I will never ever buy another one. They did the same thing to me. Santa Clara, CA: A $30 million settlement has been tentatively approved potentially ending a defective automotive class action lawsuit filed against BMW North America. Ill let you know if I got a check. They are over priced and not reliable And we are having a hard time getting reimbursed for our expenses. I received the same email responses as everyone else. ): They won and kept the money. Im going to be SO pissed if nothing ever comes to fruition with this! I emailed them & they did advise they received my claim- but I was missing 2 pieces of info which I sent immediately in the mail. Only I got a response to my email on 9/15/21. No. We were supposed to receive checkup by first of September. a. Im sick to my stomach about this- what reason did they claim to deny? Nothing we need to do a class action lawsuit against this company. They were able to advise what was missing, so when it was sent back- what is the 45-60 days (that has now been WAY longer). Sent everything they asked and still nothing. BMW has been hit with another engine defect class action, this time from vehicle owners seeking redress for an alleged engine chain defect. They want us to give up. I thought they were already processing claims? Roseland, NJ 07068 The dealer is handling the paperwork and expressed a 50-50 chance for some level of reimbursement. my 7th BMW, was a loyal fan, now forced to rebuild my car because no one thought to inform us consumers at 50000 miles, or 70000, or , for me 100000-just outside the statute for the claim.. thanks. I got mine today!!! This settlement was closed in June. Why did they even send out the class action notice? The Class Representatives in the Action are the Plaintiffs identified above. to claim cash from in our They denied everyone. Wisconsin Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Trump Lawsuit Over Election Results. Other than that, its my personal business. I believe I found it initially on the claim paperwork or website though. The first attorney referred me to another attorney but also mentioned this; If you wish to pursue a potential claim, you should do so immediately by contacting another law firm. Not that it will do me any good. On 9/15 they sent me another email (in response to more emails from me asking for a status), and they advised they received my additional documentation and that the claim was submitted for re-processing. I emailed last week for a status. I feel like every time someone gets a response the dates keep getting pushed back further & further. Honestly if you received payment LUCKY other than that dont wait anymore. Was the rejection email just received? 2012-2015 BMW 328i Sedan, Sports Wagon, Gran Turismo, 2014-2015 BMW 428i Coupe, Convertible, Gran Coupe, Up to 80,000 miles: BMW pays 75% / Customer pays 25%, 80,001 to 90,000 miles: BMW pays 55% / Customer pays 45%, 90,001 to 100,000 miles: BMW pays 40% / Customer pays 60%, 100,001 miles and above: BMW pays 0% / Customer pays 100%. Aaronson Rappaport Feinstein & Deutsch, LLP mourns the loss of cofounder and original Managing Partner, Mark B. Feinstein. THIS IS REALLY HURTING ME FINANCIALLY AND THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT ON MY BMW (AFTER NEW ENGINE) IS BACK ON. Not a damn thing. They gonna find a way to jam us all. Not me! You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. 2012-2018 . I dont know if timing chain was replaced. i sent another email to them asking if I need to resubmit since they already confirmed that they received the receipt a month ago. It is likely that all that is left for payments are a small number of claims still to be resolved along with the claims that were appealed in writing. shop; and You will not be bound by anything that happens in this lawsuit. I was told it would cost me $10k to fix but since the engine failure was caused from the timing chain, I qualified for this lawsuit. This is beyond insanity at this point. I got a letter from them in the mail today notifying me that my claim is denied due to a missing receipt. Fall of 2022? The first defect affectsthe primary, or timing, chain, which coordinates the crankshaft, camshafts and cylinder valves. Never again. Last I read, we were suppose to get our reimbursements first week of Sept. Our Compliance bundles are curated by CLE Counselors and include current legal topics and challenges within the industry. Sent an email to the VP of rust and 24hrs later I had this response to an email I had sent them 2 months ago. But the way they keep extending time lines, not communicating, and holding our money. I did a Google search on the vice president of rust consulting vice president and found out his email address. I had the same issue with my BMW 528. UPDATE 2: On March 15, 2021, an appeal to the BMW Timing Chain settlement was filed. Judge Cathy L. Waldor of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey is overseeing this class-action lawsuit, known Gelis v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and BMW of North America, LLC, Civil Action No. I will email the VP as well. I really could have used that $ for the holidays. The irony of these people to leave many of us with just a hope and a prayer. I think its a shame that the dealership knew about the lawsuit but, didnt say anything . I never expected to see that money ever again! I dont know but It shouldnt take this long. The plaintiffs are represented by Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., Law Offices of Thomas P. Sobran, and Nagel Rice, LLP. DONT BUY A BMW!!! I had the same issue my bmw had less than 70k miles 2013 and engine blew due to it I had to turn in my car then to bsnk because it was worth less than what I owed and to replace engine was too costly. Docket Number: 2:17-cv-07386 Company: BMW This website is operated and maintained by the Settlement Administrator. In order to receive benefits under the prospective repair program, you must take your Class Vehicle to an authorized BMW Center. and good luck. Worst car ownership experience ever. What documents are required to file a claim? Unknown to me Car was Previously registered in Canada and I was told it Qualified for the Repair Program while being Processed for Re-validation into the North American Data Base as per the Vin Number. The Settlement Agreement describes the released claims with specific descriptions, in necessarily precise legal terminology, so read it carefully. Can I ask how much was check for? Im supposed to call him back on Friday. Requests for exclusion from the Settlement must have been postmarked by January 19, 2021. If they were not clear with their instructions and we followed them accordingly then we really need to get an attorney. Got my check today after 1 resubmission. We may get some money but not what we are really entitled to. Lets fight back Before they stew us out of our money! Your Claim has been preliminarily reviewed and forwarded to BMW for Final Validation. 5. Nobody got nothing!!!! Your Claim has been submitted for reprocessing. If these items fail, the complaint alleged, it could lead to sudden engine failure and loss of power. Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Here we are 11-9-22 picked up(nah towed) my 2013 528i from BMW service. I just spoke with attorney and they said checks would go out in 2 weeks. It cost me 13,000 for a new engine and turbo. only lasted 7,000 miles, at which time they replaced with a new engine! Its been 8 weeks with out a car, our X1 stopped suddenly doing 100km, during peak hour. Any idea why some of us have submitted all our documentation, VIN, etc. I suggest everyone do the same. Why would it take two months to review a document? Garcia replies back: The information was actually factual, and am not sure which part is considered BS. I will never buy another BMW. However, the same monetary percentage terms above apply, meaning customers will have to partially pay for repairs. documents showing: We cannot let them off the hook on this and flood them with emails . Yes i am with you. Recently? Only one Prospective Repair Program repair per VIN is permitted, although recovery under the Prospective Repair Program does not affect your eligibility to recover under the Reimbursement Program. A nationwide settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against BMW of North America, LLC, entitled Gelis, et al. NAGEL RICE, LLP Any ideas why this process takes a while now? so so so disappointing considering all the $ weve all spent. Same here! If I excluded myself, can I get anything from this Settlement? PO Box 1227 Same as you, it was back in Sept that I received an email back to a previous request that I sent and they confirmed yes, they received and resubmitted my documentation. There are others out there like me and you. The above terms are subject to same reimbursement monetary caps mentioned above. amazon com digital orders. Im at a total loss & dont even know what the next course of action should be. I have my service records in writing and am going to speak with the GM on Monday. I just replaced the engine in my 2013 528. Reimbursement Program: You may be eligible for full or partial reimbursement of costs for repairing or replacing one failed timing chain module, one failed oil pump drive chain module, or replacing one failed engine if damaged due to a failure of the timing chain or oil pump drive chain modules, per VIN, per owner/lessee if the replacement occurred before the Effective Date and prior to the earlier of the first 8 years or 100,000 miles of the Class Vehicles in-service date (whichever comes first). I really do think we should all get together and file a lawsuit against them. I was looking to buy a used BMW but after reading these comments I dont think so. BMW Timing Chain and Oil Pump Drive Chain Settlement. The class action asserts that the engines in its Mini Coopers are defective. I got my check today!! You can talk to one of the lawyers listed in Question 15 below, free of charge, if you have questions about the released claims or what they mean. status of any class action settlement claim. WE WERE NEVER NOTIFIED BY BMW OR DEALER ABOUT THIS ISSUE. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement. Also report this to your local television stations for investigation. SHAME ON THE DEALER AND SHAME ON BMW FOR FAILURE TO NOTIFY. I received a BMW settlement letter but so far I havent noticed any issue. Open Settlements Even though this is unacceptable & ridiculously long- I (personally) would feel a lot better if they at least kept us informed on the website. In essence, Class Members are releasing all claims (except for personal injury or damage to property other than the Class Vehicle) that could arise based on alleged defect in the timing chain module or oil pump drive chain module in the Class Vehicles. In order to benefit from the settlement, Class Members must file a valid claim form by March 18, 2021. Instead they quoted me all kinds of other repairs in this timeframe (thousands of dollars) which did not fully address the problem. The more I read about this company the last I expect to get any money.. Bring up rip off report and read about them on there. NEVER AGAIN WILL I PURCHASE A BMW. That I did and paid for on this trash ass vehicle. I have not received an email nor have I received any letter of confirmation or anything. At this hearing, Judge Waldor also decided the service payments for the Class Representatives, as well as the attorneys fees for the lawyers representing the Class Members. Im currently in the same boat! Help really ? He said I could just junk car or they would give me 500 for it. About time. We received our diagnosis today after the car experienced multiple failures and warnings on Friday. But I dont know what you do since you missed the lawsuit timeliness. 7,000 miles later a new engine! I look every time I get my mail after originally being denied last December? Now the end of October theyre telling you the same answer- that claims are going to be processed in the next week? My X-3 was a CPO that I purchased in December 2017. They are playing games and Im more pissed off than before. i. If you dont qualify for this settlement, check out our database of otheropen class action settlementsyou may be eligible for. 23. There . For further information, you can email the claims administrator at. *** The reimbursement program provides between 40% and 100% reimbursement for vehicle repairs depending on the mileage of the vehicle at the time of service. Full year with no resolution you will not be bound by anything that happens in this.. The variance set forth above every time i get a response never expected to see our money time passed. 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